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Paul Dirac
“If there is a God, he's a great mathematician.”

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Enjoy the Magic
About the Campaign - Enjoy the magic

Enjoy the magic is the first campaign for the magicsquarepuzzles.com
With this campaign the first five high scorers could win the book " CHECK YOUR IQ" written by KEN RUSSEL & PHILIP CARTER.


Why this campaign

With this campaign you can improve your general knowledge and also you can challenge your friends by posting them your own questions.

It builds your network.

Playing the game of magic square puzzles will improve your Arithmetic ability.


1. Invite your friends and get 2 points when they join.

2. Get 1 point when your invitee invites another person when they join. During this campaign at least 5 people should join through your invitation.

3. One general knowledge will be posted each day and for attending that you will get 1 point and the correct answer gets you 3 points. During this campaign you should get 15 points.

4. One to three bonanza questions will be asked during this campaign and surprise points will be announced at that time and it will add to your over all score.

5. You have to complete at least 5 magic square puzzles during this campaign.

Now you are on your own. 


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