This hub pages website gives useful tips in mental mathematics.
Read about the life of Trachtenberg in this website. I salute the spirit of the genius who refused to accept defeat and found calmness and solace amidst death and destruction.
This is a very good site containing good puzzles which could give work out to your brain. Do pay a visit to this web site
This site contains useful things which everybody needs like how to tackle the bullies etc This site gives knowledge about the current affairs.
Any person who is serious to know about magic squares, stars, cubes etc will necessarily have to come to these websites and These websites are a compilation or, we can also say the bible of the magic squares, cubes etc.
This website is also from Grogono and it is a treasure trove of knots. I was wonder struck with this one. It is useful to the students in general and the scouts and the National Cadet Corps in particular.
This website is a free Math resource for Mathematics from Algebra to Differential equations. It is being run by people who are Doctorates in Mathematics.