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Sir Isaac Newton
“Truth is ever to be found in the simplicity, and not in the multiplicity and confusion of things. ”

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The New Beginning Campaign

Magic Square Puzzles New Beginning Campaign Starts on 16.3.2011 to 31.3.2011

The terms of the campaign are 

1. You should solve at least 5 puzzles

2. You should reach at least 50 points in the GK section by answering GK questions which are displayed daily. Daily three GK questions are displayed.

3. You should spread this message to your friends should join our web site through your invitation. Totally three friends should join this web site in the campaign period.

4. Totally you should get 200 points.

Magic Square Puzzles afford Top three participants will be given prizes.

The prize is one copy of  THINK AND GROW RICH by NAPOLEAN HILL

You can register and participate in the campaign

Wish you all the best

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