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“Geometry will draw the soul toward truth and create the spirit of philosophy. ”

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Spirit of Freedom Contest

Spirit of Freedom Contest

I thank all the people who made the previous campaign ‘Magical Minds’ a success.

Many participated in the "Magical Minds Campaign" with the will to win, which spirit I like.

That kind of "will to win" attitude shows their mental strength.


One generation of our forefathers sacrificed their everything to achieve the freedom from the foreign rulers.

They did not participate in the freedom struggle for the sake of it. They participated with the "will to win"

To celebrate their spirit of "will to win" I am pleased to announce the "Spirit of Freedom contest", for the period between 16.8.2010 and 31.8.2010.

The rules of the contest are


1.      To solve at least 5 magic square puzzles.



 2. To answer the Daily questions that is posted in the web site. Giving a correct answer will get them 3 points and attempting the question gets them 1 point.

3.  The members can also frame their own question and post it to the web site. It will be moderated and then posted. Each posted question will fetch 5 points.

4. By either answering questions or by posting questions one can score points. The total should be at least 30 points.


5.  The members should refer their friends to the web site. When they register themselves then the member will be getting 10 points. Minimum three friends should be invited.

6. The invited friend could also in turn invite friends. So the invitee invite points are also counted. The invitee invite point is 5.

A total of 150 cumulative points should be accumulated.


Top three people will be given a copy of a wonderful book titled ‘Mathematical Amusements’ written by Prof. Sivaraman.


Thanking you.

Yours Truly,

Mrs, Indira Narasinga Rao.

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