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Magical Minds
Magical Minds Campaign

Dear Friends,

Last month we had floated a campaign called the "Enjoy the Magic". We got a good response from the people.

The traffic to the web site increased during the period of the campaign.

Many people participated in the campaign in various levels.

Some answered the General Knowledge question everyday. Some posted good and interesting questions to the web site.

Some solved the 4x4 puzzles and some solved the both the 4x4 puzzles as well as the 8x8 puzzles.

These magic square puzzles are novel concept and it requires that they spend some time to master the rules of the game.

Some people like Mohanraj, Balakrishnan, Anand et al had shown a great deal of interest in this puzzle game.

We are pleased to present them with the books.

We also wish them to win more such prizes in the coming days.

Many new members had enrolled to this puzzle game and we feel it will be better if we introduced the concepts in a better way.

Towards that end in view we have given the process of solving in easy to understand format in the form of a flash presentation.

This presentation takes you one step at a time and we hope it will be useful for everybody.

In case anybody finds there is scope for further improvement please tell us so that we may try to make it better.

We are therefore distributing the prizes as declared to Mohanraj, Balakrishnan and Anand.
We are also pleased to announce another campaign for this month.
This campaign period starts from 16.7.2010 and it lasts up to 31.7.2010.
During this campaign if you solve 3 magic square puzzles, bring in 3 friends and also answer five questions in General knowledge you will be given the book "In the Wonderland of numbers", written by Shakuntala Devi.

Only the top three are eligible to get this prize.
Wish you all the best.

Indira Narasinga Rao.
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