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Sir Isaac Newton
“Truth is ever to be found in the simplicity, and not in the multiplicity and confusion of things. ”

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You can play as a member or as a guest.

When you play as a member your game will be saved and you can view all your games. You can come back again and play the game from where you have left it.

For this just register using your e-mail id. Choose any on-line name for the purpose of the game.
We will not spam you or sell your mail id to any third party.

We will utilize your e-mail id to send you update notifications, launch of new puzzles or games.
At the most we may send you mail once in a month.

When you play in as a guest needless to say that your game will not be saved. We may not be able to send you update information or other services a member gets.

When you play as a guest just log in. No need to give any details.

Either way the game is free.

Terms & Condition

• No purchase or payment is necessary to enter the campaign.

• magicsquarepuzzles.com will not pass on your personal details to any other organisation .

• magicsquarepuzzles.com may use, reproduce, edit, display, transmit, prepare derivative works of, modify, publish, and otherwise make use of Materials in any and all media, whether now known or hereinafter created-throughout the world and for any purpose-without compensation to you of any kind.

• By submitting Materials to magicsquarepuzzles.com, you represent and warrant that the Materials do not infringe any copyright, trademark, property rights, rights of privacy or publicity of any person, or any other right of any third party and that you have the full and unrestricted right to transfer the Materials to magicsquarepuzzles.com free and clear of any claims or encumbrances.

• You acknowledge and agree that magicsquarepuzzles.com shall have no obligation to post, display, or otherwise make publicly available any Materials submitted by you.

• You agree to indemnify magicsquarepuzzles.com from-and hereby waive any right to pursue-any claims of any nature arising in connection with magicsquarepuzzles.com use of the Materials submitted to magicsquarepuzzles.com and used in any manner in magicsquarepuzzles.com sole and absolute discretion.

• The selection of winners is at the sole and absolute discretion of magicsquarepuzzles.com. Decisions by magicsquarepuzzles.com are final and binding..

• magicsquarepuzzles.com reserves the right to cancel any part or all of the prizes.

• Winners may not request substitutions of prize winnings. Prizes are non-transferable, non-negotiable, subject to availability and there will be no cash alternative. If the specified prize becomes unavailable for any reason, magicsquarepuzzles.com in its sole and absolute discretion may substitute a prize of like or equal value.

• The winner may be required to provide certified proof of identity and residence, as necessary.

• The images of the prizes shown on the magicsquarepuzzles.com website are for representational purposes only. The actual prizes awarded may differ.

• All winners are solely responsible for any and all taxes and/or fees as well as all additional costs that may be incurred.

• Neither magicsquarepuzzles.com nor its directors, employees and agents shall be liable for any warranty, costs, damage, injury or any other claims incurred as a result of the usage of a prize by any winner. magicsquarepuzzles.com is not liable for any loss arising out of or in connection with the Campaign promoted by magicsquarepuzzles.com.

magicsquarepuzzles.com shall not be responsible for:

(i) any SPAM generated messages;

(ii) any lost, late or misdirected computer transmission or network, electronic failures of any kind or any failure to receive entries owing to transmission failures or due to any technical reasons and

(iii) other conditions beyond its control. magicsquarepuzzles.com reserves the right:

(a) to disqualify any entrant if it has reasonable grounds to believe the entrant has breached any of these terms and conditions.

(b) To decide whether a replacement contestant should be selected in the event of any entrant being disqualified from the Campaign.

(c) To require written permission from the parent or guardian of a winner who is under the age of 18. magicsquarepuzzles.com reserves the right in its sole and absolute discretion to terminate the campaign at any time without prior notice.

No correspondence with magicsquarepuzzles.com in relation to this Campaign shall be entertained.

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